- AtoZ Challenge 2024
- Gettting ready to AtoZ
- A is for Actually/Abundance
- B is for boo…. Brilliant things
- B is for Bad Idea Bears
- C is for Challenging
- D is for Dark #AtoZ2024
- E is for environment #AtoZ2024
- E is for Editing
- F is for Finders Keepers
- F is for Family and Friends
- G for Groups – AtoZ 2024 #MondayBlogs
- G is for ‘Only the Gods are Real’
- H is for Home
- I is for ‘I am, I feel…’
- J is for Jump (a poem)
- K is for Killing #AtoZ
- L is for Ludosport (what else?) #AtoZ
- M is for (e)motionless
- M is for Mourning
- M is for Meditation #MondayBlogs
- M is for Magic
- N is for normal
- N is for November
- O is for Outer Space
- P for Psychosis #Mondayblogs
- Q for quotables
- R for reality
- S is for singing and other music
- T is for Time and Travel
- U is for Understanding
- V is for Via
- W is for Wishes
- X is for Xray and other medical stuff
- Y is for Yesterday
- Z is for Zebras and ZZZZs
- And…that’s it – An AtoZ Rounup
A little bit of a pivot today – I’ve talked about why I like True Crime, I’ve talked about how I read horror and draw inspiration from the idea of ‘normal’ and outside of that, and when we’re outside of that, how we try to impose something like normal back onto where we are.
Outer space is a setting for several of my books – three series, a couple of horrors and a set of sideline stories that aren’t just about space, but the human condition.
Space inspires me simply because it’s vast, and amazingly malliable. Plus, I listen to a lot of non-fiction books, like What If, and Seven things that don’t make sense. I read a lot of stuff that’s about all of the stuff that I’m interested in.
Also, space for me, represents the unknown. Unknown….everything from possibilities to opportunties and more.
Plus, I play a lot of games set on Mars etc (though it’s currently owned by Robots).
Yesterday's posts
N is for Normal
N is for November
Visit other blogs from the AtoZ challenge!
The Current posts in my AtoZ challenge are:
T is for Time and Travel
Visit other blogs from the AtoZ challenge!
My other posts are listed at The AtoZ of me and my inspirations
No visits today – I’m asking that you read my post, P for Psychosis.
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