- AtoZ Challenge 2024
- Gettting ready to AtoZ
- A is for Actually/Abundance
- B is for boo…. Brilliant things
- B is for Bad Idea Bears
- C is for Challenging
- D is for Dark #AtoZ2024
- E is for environment #AtoZ2024
- E is for Editing
- F is for Finders Keepers
- F is for Family and Friends
- G for Groups – AtoZ 2024 #MondayBlogs
- G is for ‘Only the Gods are Real’
- H is for Home
- I is for ‘I am, I feel…’
- J is for Jump (a poem)
- K is for Killing #AtoZ
- L is for Ludosport (what else?) #AtoZ
- M is for (e)motionless
- M is for Mourning
- M is for Meditation #MondayBlogs
- M is for Magic
- N is for normal
- N is for November
- O is for Outer Space
- P for Psychosis #Mondayblogs
- Q for quotables
- R for reality
- S is for singing and other music
- T is for Time and Travel
- U is for Understanding
- V is for Via
- W is for Wishes
- X is for Xray and other medical stuff
- Y is for Yesterday
- Z is for Zebras and ZZZZs
- And…that’s it – An AtoZ Rounup
Second to last post in the A To Z and I wanted to thank everyone for joining me this month. I’ve found a new pattern of working, and it’s bene really great. Tonight, my final post will be a roundup, and what’s next (books ;)) but also, I’ll be taking a time out for #Kaiatus, which is when I take a month off to get everything set up in my office for the work I want to get done. Also, I’ll be releasing some of my backlist books 🙂
And I’m coming full circle. On my A is for Actually/Abundance, I talked about, a little bit at least, what happened in October. And I have to be honest, though I hate that I see and hear things (P for Psychosis), and that I spend a lot of my time almost out of commission and only fit for sitting in bed and writing, the honest truth is, I use a lot of that for….texture I guess for the books.
It’s no secret, by the third book, that there’s a lot of oddities in Elliot’s world. And it’s often played off as the interaction of his tech, migraines and more, but I do also talk about mental health elements in the books I write. And, if I’m honest, Run Girl, Run, Light Dancing, Acts of Change, and the re-release of Tiene and Pictures in the Dark are all about the things I’ve been dealing with. So inspiration wise, and ‘me’ wise, everything is connected (I may have just finished watching Dirk Gently).
But there’s this phrase, “when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras”, but in my case, think zebras. And often, in my books, think zebras. It’s rarely what I’d consider the obvious answer. Weird as that sounds, I’d prefer it to be something that was harder to spot, and that it’s a disservice to my readers to give them the easy answer.
The other Z for me is sleep. I’ve had a busy month – so far, we’ve been at the Advanced Form 1 and had our Academy tournament (Cheltenham) for Ludosport, we’ve both had a cold/flu like illness, and I’ve been writing and cleaning and dealing with kitchen stuff and all of the other ‘fun stuff’ that comes from looking after a house. Life being what it is too, I’m about to go out on #Kaiatus, I think I’ve earned a break to be honest – having stepped down from some projects, and collapsing down some other things, it feels like I’ve been doing some really good things to get myself on the ‘right’ path to getting these books done. I really am doubling down on my writing and work — I have a select group of clients I work with, and that’s great. Writing might be easier if I keep to the same pattern as I’ve had recently, which has been writing and trying to visit good blogs every day.
My final post is going to be about the whole of the AtoZ and is coming next!
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