So, the first thing I really should say is that Thursday, ten months a year, is training evening, when we all go see our friends and train. I'll also be talking about Se.Cu.Ri, which is a core principle of Ludosport, and matches a lot of my outlooks in life. Se.Cu.Ri is Servizio, Cura, Rispetto, or, put another way, Service, Care, Respect. Which leads me to the second point I … [Read more...] about L is for Ludosport (where I am tonight!) #atozchallenge
Archives for April 2022
G is for Gaming (and geekery)
As is probably clear, I'm quite the geek. I'll be talking about how more hobbies cross into geekery in the real world, but I'm a HUGE gaming fan. I've spent all of my life, since I was a young child, enjoying fantasy novels and I've gamed since I was about 9. From Heroquest, to D&D, I was a huge gamer until I had my children. After I left their father, I joined another … [Read more...] about G is for Gaming (and geekery)
F is for Fantasy #atozchallenge
Fantasy has a special place in my heart - I've always read it. My first full length book that I read as a child was The Hobbit (or it might have been 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'), but, until recently, my fantasy writing mostly was 'actual play' or other stuff like that.Today, I'm kicking off a new free reader magnet. Those of you that have been around me a while … [Read more...] about F is for Fantasy #atozchallenge
E is for Elden Ring #atozchallenge
And now for something complete different (so far)... and yes, this one really is about duality and how things are different. Firstly, can I say, Elden Ring has to be one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. EVER. I died 20 times (not including the grave spider at the beginning) in the tutorial alone. I like playing the game, it's ok. I'll probably keep slogging … [Read more...] about E is for Elden Ring #atozchallenge
D is for Dancing in the Rain #atoz2022
I've spent the last year trying to think about how to explain the basic changes I've gone through in the last two years. And one of the major things that I've been thinking about is gratitude, and 'dancing in the rain'. What is dancing in the rain? For me, it's a core concept to living with what I do. It's accepting that I'm not always going to be happy, that the skies … [Read more...] about D is for Dancing in the Rain #atoz2022