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Category: A day in the life

H is for Home

H is also for headache hell, over on Typing A Blank. There’s a lot of things that I consider as ‘home’. And, if you’ve gone off to read Typing A Blank, this post has a little bit of a different meaning than the ‘straight’ meaning.So, there’s the traditional idea of home – and I’ve lived in Gloucester and the Costwolds for so long now that I’ve actually got two places that I consider home.Here, in Gloucester, it’s home now.  It’s where I raised my kids through their teens to adulthood.  It’s where Tempus and I consider as our home. It’s…

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G for Groups – AtoZ 2024 #MondayBlogs

I’ve always felt that being a writer is a lonely position to be in. Not only do you have to read, write and research, often, you’re the only ones that know what is going on in the story you’re writing about. So, there’s a lot that is to be said for socialising and being with a group. And, for that reason, I’m going to share some of my favourite places to hang out. Not all of them are mine, but chances are I’m at least active on there. And I’ve only really included my writers and creatives groups. Writing and…

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Just a quick ‘non AtoZ’ sidebar

Wanna see what happy looks like?For me at least.If you catch me standing still, not giggling, this is me in uniform, with my beloved lightsaber, Petrichor (yes, she has a name. There’s at least five ‘named’ Light Sabers in this house, four of which we train with). Just compare how much more relaxed I am in the photo in black though. Brown was UK Arena 2022, and I staffed, for the first time, in my uniform.Black is April 2024. I’m going back to Ludosport Bristol after (by the time we get there) about an eight or nine month break, to…

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F is for Finders Keepers

Today, I wanted to talk about one of my new books, Finder’s Keepers, and what inspired me to write it. I’ve also got another post, Family and friends. Finder’s Keepers is a Garrett story – which means it’ll probably be a serial. It merges, officially, the stories between Elliot, Harper and Maebh. Well, sort of. It’s pretty far down Elliot’s timeline, and the same for Harper, and there’s quite a bit that needs to happen in Garrett before I get there.And this is what I wanted to touch on today – a lot of my inspiration comes completely randomly. It’s…

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E is for Editing

I had hoped to put this up on BooksByKai, but I’ve been a bit behind lately, so instead of not running this post, I thought I’d share it here. (this also goes with E for Environment) You might thing editing isn’t an inspiration, but I’ve got a thing about it being difficult to get my books out, so about the last 10th of the first draft, I really start to struggle, and after I get passed that, leave it alone for six weeks (I actually start writing another book in the gap, or editing the book that I’d put down…

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E is for environment #AtoZ2024

I thought I’d write about something today that influences me directly and indirectly, and that’s my environment.The first thing I need to say is that no matter what I say about my environment, I actually don’t like it when it’s messy. Doesn’t change I’m a messy person, but I don’t like it when it’s messy, if I’m entirely honest. Which often leaves me wit a quandary. Do I tidy or do I work?Lately, we’ve been really lucky, because we had our kitchen remodelled so the house had to be reorganised to let that happen – we removed all of our…

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D is for Dark #AtoZ2024

So. I promised to talk a bit about what inspires me. There’s all the usual stuff that I’ll touch on like F for Family, or R for reading, but one of the things that people find quite surprising is how much of my work is influenced by ‘dark’ stuff. From True Crime or horror movies and books, despite the fact I live quite a ‘normal’ life, I’m absolutely influenced by everything from Grimdark to true crime. Why? I honestly don’t know. I’ve always ben drawn to horror and other stuff – mum introduced me to horror books when I read…

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C is for Challenging

I kinda feel like I could write this on any blog – here, Bi-polarbears (I did C for C-PTSD instead) or Typing a Blank.  But in this case, I’m just writing here.The last six months have been challenging. From dealing with illness, to trying to restart everything I’ve worked on and even work out what it is, but I don’t really feel like I’m back on top of it.And for someone with CPTSD, it’s been difficult for another reason. How do you handle it when people know you but you don’t know them? It’s been really surreal to be in…

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B is for Bad Idea Bears

This is an additional B for post in my AtoZ. The other ones are B for Boo…Brilliant things, and B for Brain (over at Typing a Blank) I’m very much a person that has some pretty random pop culture references that I lean on, that are either to do with stuff that is either really obscure, or just a little obscure, but still out there. From knowing that the first time I heard one of the songs in Avenue Q was to a World of Warcraft video, to sneaking jokes in about various things in my games and books, I’m…


A is for Actually/Abundance

I said I was only doing one AtoZ, but I fibbed.As this is about me and the things that inspire me, I’ll be bouncing around on a few of my blogs and doing additional ‘letters’ along with short posts like this on is ‘A is for Actually’… I’m an advocate for a lot of things, and last year, I picked up another one. I have something called Status Migrainosus, which is something that I’ve discovered is pretty rare. It’s estimated that about 3.1 billion people have experienced one or more migraines in their lifetime (WHO) Based on various reports,…


Gettting ready to AtoZ

This blog is about to get busy again, I guess, as I get ready to AtoZ.this year, I’m adding everyone that lists themselves on either the theme reveal OR the main blog challenge in a reader that I’ll review every day. I hope it means I get around a lot of places to comment, without needing to keep track on the spreadsheet. But I’ll also be doing extra ‘side’ posts on other blogs, so while my main blog is where the most of the action will be at, Typing a Blank, Indie Author Group, Bi-Polarbears and a new blog will…


What’s been going on…

I did mention on a few comments that life handed me lemons and I decided to just go with it.In October of last year, after a set of B12 loading doses, my scheduled yearly vaccines/boosters and an iron infusion, I went to sleep two days after the last treatment, and…I woke up in 2009.Not time travel, though. I literally thought it was 2009.I woke up with what they’re now calling an ‘atypical thunderclap headache’. Atypical, because the usual things they worry about with thunderclap headaches wasn’t what actually happened. Luckily enough, and as I’ll be talking about in my AtoZ

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