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J is for Joy

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This entry is part 14 of 22 in the series AtoZ 2023 - The AtoZ of Me
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Today, I want to talk about cultivating joy. And I’m really sorry, because I know the language that gets used around this can be a bit ‘woo woo’ or touchy feely (and believe me, I know. But it’s an important topic, and if you can get passed the…well…difficult language that can make it seem like it’s inaccessible or… indulgent is another story entirely).

Firstly, cultivating joy. Building happiness. Creating an environment for self-care that works for you. ALL OF THAT IS KEY. It’s critical in fact. So. Cultivating joy is important, however you do it.

Whether it’s taking time out to write, to enjoy yourself…whatever.

Whatever YOU need to do to cultivate joy is critical.

Work/life balance post-pandemic

I think it’s important to talk about this, especially post pandemic. And I say post pandemic because we’re still living life under the threat of a new CV19 variant that could be more serious. Or it could be less serious. I’d say, in the UK at least.
We are seeing at least, some things being abolished in the UK, but I’ll honestly say that I think that’s something that I wish hadn’t been removed quite so quickly. (and really, I hear people coughing in public and my spine stiffens. I’ve had CV19 once, and it was bad. Not terrible, not hospital level, but I don’t want it again. I mean, I don’t like flu, I don’t like having a cold, I don’t like any of that, but honestly? I’ve got to a thing about not getting sick.
And I honestly think some of that is the fact that I’ve spent a lot of time looking for a positive mindset, building meditative routines, writing, taking my downtime when I need it. All of that.

And I think that’s important. I think joy is one of those things that helps with your health, and so, one of the books I’m writing, and will be talking about later in the month, is about cultivating joy. Just…without the ‘woo woo’.

(sorry, if the language doesn’t bother you, and you like it, that’s ok, I apologise. I just find some of the language to be a barrier, and it’s hard to get people to take it seriously if they see it as touchy feely/woo woo. I agree with that, which is why I’m writing about it a different way, and trying to address that bias). I’m calling it Brass Tacks self care. 🙂

About Post Author


Kai is a writer, author and avid reader.  A mental health advocate, Ludosport athlete and coder. She's the mother of two young adults, owned by two cats, and lives with her beloved in the Cotswolds.
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Published inAbout D Kai Wilson-Violaand moreFeaturedA to Z ChallengesA Day in the life 2023AtoZ 2023 - The AtoZ of me

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