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Month: September 2011

Hack cleaning, and Psycho Killers

Something that I don’t think is very evident from my writing is that I’m very music oriented.  If I can get away with it, no matter where I am, in the house, or out and about there’s either music, an audiobook, or crime programs on in the background somewhere.  Music starts my morning, and audiobooks, or more rarely now, TV shows finish out my day.  I’m constantly somewhere where there is noise.  To the point that if I ever end up catastrophically brain damaged or otherwise unable to instruct it myself, or am in a coma, I’ve got it written…

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Of bright lights and disappointments…

We are, to all intents and purposes, one month after ‘the Watershed‘ And there’s a couple of things that have changed since then – some for the better, some in a different way and with no impact.  One for the worse. As the last post explained, I finally graduated.  What the last post barely touches on is why it’s taken so long to get to that point.  And, y’know, I wish I could point at everything I’ve been up to recently and say ‘see, good reason’, but the truth is,  the reason, though, probably, a valid one, isn’t a ‘good’…

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Degree confirmation

As many of you know, I’ve spent the last four years doing a degree in Creative writing, with a side of psychology.  It’s been a long road, especially after I fell and banged my head. But, to the credit of the University of Gloucestershire, and my tutors, we got through it – they were amazingly supportive and helpful and made sure I was in the best position possible to make my degree work for me.  I can’t praise them enough. But – I’m delighted to confirm that I got a 2:1. So, now I’m a graduate.  Wooohooo!

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I’m beginning to start importing some of the stuff that I’ve had on other sites, so the archives will kinda start filling out. is now merged onto here, so if you were looking for posts from there, the links should work again 🙂 Other than that, there’s a bit of reorganisation going on – I’ve got books to write, and lesson plans to fix and a whole pile of other stuff to take care of.  So, I should be back with my big, ten year as a professional writer project very soon!

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Not so random acts of teh awesomes

(Sidenote, yes, I love lolcats – my favorite is TS Elliot’s ‘the Wasteland, rendered into Lol) So, PrincessPink has returned to school, successfully, and I just as successfully woke up this morning and sorted everyone, myself included, out.  Which was good.  She’s not happy about some of the new routines in the morning, but I’m sure if we keep going, eventually, she’ll get there. Today, I’ve got lots of ‘signing off’ to do – an edit to blitz.  Content to write for my day job, and about six hours worth of crime tv to catch up on (that may have…

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The new schedule

So, yeah, I’m still on writing burnout, at least for fiction.  I’m a bit concerned about that actually –  there’s no ideas, no flashes of ‘oooh, I wanna write *that*’… nothing. But, there is the niggling nagging feeling that I should at least get my life back into a ‘productive’ space instead of sitting on the couch for days and thinking ‘why me’.  I guess the ‘why me’ isn’t the right question.  ‘What can I do to fix it’ is the real question. In all of this drive, I’ve lost most of my passions.  The blogs that I’m most passionate…

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Making time for…

Ok, so, officially, and as I’ll post later, I do, definitely have a form of burnout. Yes doctor, I’m well aware that I shouldn’t be straining creative muscles, but we’ve still got to eat, so I *am* still copywriting.  And editing. One thing though, that’s been bothering me about all of this is I’m still ‘making time for’.  I’m still working from the minute I get to my laptop, till around midnight (right now).  I’m still trying to find my way through a minefield of supporting those I love, and reassuring them that actually, I’m ok.  Still trying to prioritize…

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