Today is the first day of the ‘blogging challenge‘ that’s run by a wonderful woman that I encountered about…errr…I think it’s been five years ago now, called Cricket Walker (she teaches SEO on Yahoo and is an amazing resource – share the love, k?). And I was all for the whole thing – I mean, how difficult can writing a blog a day for 30 days be?
And I don’t like to be negative, but I AM being realistic – 30 days of blog posts, on a blog that was long since fragmented from what it used to be – a special needs daughter, a son who will start high school soon – a small business in the UK and another one in the process of being designed and set up (one is copywriting and webdesign, the other is my ‘publishing’ stuff) to go along with the book that’s due with my editors in June. And I’m a full time Uni student.
And THEN – I had to decide what I was doing with this place. But I have a cunning plan.
I’m going to blog here every day – but I’m also going to post to other blogs, and run the information on them as asides (which means new template for this place, woohooo!). As for what I’m going to talk about….I have NO clue. I’m going to wing it.
And because I’m taking part in the blog challenge that I just mentioned, to introduce myself breifly. I’m Kai. I’m infamous in some circles – usually amongst writers it has to be said. There’s no ‘nutshell’ for me – I’m bipolar, a writer, head injured, a student, a photographer, I design perfume and soaps with aromatherapy products built in, I knit, I sew….I’m getting married in the next few years….there’s so much going on in my life that I couldn’t sum it up in a couple of breaths even if I tried. I’d make a horrible elevator pitch 😉 So instead I’ll just say ‘hi!!!’ and I hope that I’ll be able to work through the whole problem that causes the ‘non roundup’ and do a proper summation before the end of the 30 days 😉
Cricket says
You are such an incredible woman. I am gonna LOVE following your next 30 days. 🙂
Kai says
You think *I’m* amazing?
I’m truly bowled over – I’ve been a huge fan of you for years and am so honoured you’re even aware of who I am (yes, I know, I’m gushing now – I do that sometimes ;))
-10 says
Well, after reading this entry I just had to read the whole page.
Your entire writing style is somehow gripping, and you seem like a very interesting person. I’m not really a creative person so I’d love to see more from a right-brainer’s world. I’m currently trying to do character design but I think I’m too analytical to get it right and I’d love to see articles from you about writing.
Will stay tuned. Good luck with the challenge.
Glennette says
Hi Kai! Hey, that rhymes LOL or am I saying it wrong? Pleasure to meet you and I look forward to blogging with you in the challenge!
Glennette Goodbread
Sidney says
What a fun posting. It encapsulates so many of the things that so many of us feel. 🙂 Have a great day and take time to enjoy the wedding!! We’ll give you an excused absence for it:)
Kay Green says
CONGRATS on your first post in the 30 day challenge. I am there with you.
Lenore says
Good on You Kai for just jumping right in there and giving it a go – so what if you manage 5 0r 10 blog posts in the next 30 days, it’s 5 or 10 you don”t have now:)
Looking forward to following and seeing what you’re inspired to share!